Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Book of Mormon


Okay not much time! Only have an hour because we really have to make sure we visit a certain member after so sorry but hey I think you all understand! :) 

Okay this week was pretty awesome have divisions this week and I was the one who stayed in our area so it was a little nerve racking BUT it was awesome because I got to be with Hermana Luna and I realized I know the area pretty well! Also that day I taught my first lesson of the Law of Chastity and it wasnt so bad! A lot of people aren't married here and I know if I stay here again next transfer I am going to have to do a lot of lessons with that BUT it was really good and I am learning so much everyday!

 This past week I read a TON of the Book of Mormon just because it is our mission goal to read the Book of Mormon in 2 months and well let me say that is has been so amazing! SERIOUSLY! If the church decided to make movies our of the stories in their they would seriously win all the movie awards! the stories are so good and intense and my i loved the book of mormon before but i dont know...a mission it is just...CANT PUT IT DOWN! just cant do it! haha :) But really the scriptures are amazing and you all should read it, it will give you strength and guide you! I promise :) I am thankful for the Book of Mormon and that we have the blessing to have another testament of Jesus Christ and to read words for our day. It is everything to me and if you read it and pray sincerely to know it is true you will recieve an answer and through the Spirit you will know its true! It has helped me in my life before my mission and my...it helps me every day in my mission now and i know it will continue to eveything throughout my life. Read it and be changed for the better! It is everything to me and I am so thankful for it.

I am Thankful for the prophet Joseph Smith and all he did to allow us to have this gospel and thankful that God blessed in this day to have the knowledge thankful for my savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, and the help I receive the knowledge that i know that he is ALWAYS there for me and knows exactly what I am going through and that we all have hope to be better because of HIM :) the gospel is true and the Book of Mormon really is the word of God a long with the bible :) Read it and be nourished love you all! 

TENGA BUEN DIA :) dios nos ama MUCHO :) aDIOS 

Hermana Guerrero

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mission Conference w Elder Walker

HOLA HOLA HOLA :) Buenas Tardes! (Good Afternoon!)

This past week was amazing amazing amazing! We were able to have a mission conference with Elder Walker of the Seventy and his wife and boy did I learn a ton!

 We all knew he was coming for a good two weeks and all were told to prepare a talk about a certain scruipture in Alma for ten minutes and the day of Elder Walker would choose somebody to give the talk. Well, after we all arrived and opened with a prayer and sang a hymn and were all sitting down listening and waiting to hear who is to give the talk I hear my name, "Hermana Guerrero" And haha I have that thought of ," Oh heh..thats me!" So yes, I was the person who gave the talk with not only our President in the room but a seventy! Now that I look back I think "how did I not faint?", but honeslty Heavenly Father really blessed me with the spirit and it was a very very spiritual and wondferful experience. I spoke about the importance of the Holy Ghost in this work and how we always NEED the spirit to do any of this work. We need the Holy Ghost at all times to be able to teach, to have real conversions to have miracles, to do and have it all. Without it, it is just us, and I know for me I cant do any of this work without the Lord, because...well it is HIS work! it was neat and our entire conference was mainly focused on the Holy Spirit, being exactly obedient and always having sincere porayers with our Father in Heaven. It was all very amazing and I was truly humbled by all the words that were said. Yes, sometimes I have those days where I feel like I have nothing left to give and that i dont have the strength and health to do all that I need to and am asked to do, but the Lord fills in the gaps, He makes up for the rest. Its moments and days where I learn and feel the spirit that I know I am suppose to be here and that I can do this! Trials and problems are for sure real but the LORD is also real and I know He is with me all the time and helping me in all that I do!

 This week was amazing and if there is one thing I encourage you all to do is to really have a sincere prayer on your knees and pour out your heart to the Lord, he wants to help, he wants us to be happy! I mean he is our FATHER! And to some it may seem different or weird but i promise and testify as a missionary that He always listens and answers, just take the action and leap of fatith to do it :) I love you all and that is why I encourage you all because I know how much it has helped me and i know how much it can help all of you! 



We got a pizza in honor of Mother's Day

Thanks for the package Mom!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

HOLA HOLA HOLA everybody!! 

Well, I am thankful to be writing to you all this week! I do not have that much time but I am going to try my best to say everything! First off HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the lovely mothers in this world! I am very thankful that we have a day celebrate our Moms and that I was able to skype the family! Such a blessing and I love you all!

 This week was pretty awesome because Hermana Sanchez and I tried our very very hardest to be EXACTLY OBEDIENT! And it was amazing! We really saw the blessings of trying to do all we can to follow the Lord and be obedient and it has really strengthen my testimony with obedience itself! The commandents that God gives us in life and right now in our mission is not to restrict us but to in reality keep us free and happy and ready to recieve His guidance and spirit and blessings! At times it was hard BUT we were determined! There was a day where we ended Noche de Hogar later than we should have which only left us with ten minutes left before we had to be in our house. And guess what we did to be obedient? We sprinted all the way home! A good 2 miles!! And it was a really cool experience for me because I realized that one, the Lord really does provide the strength when we are trying to follow Him, and two that even though I am the new companion I can still contribute and help my companion to be exactly obedient and have the courage to accomplish all things. Hermana Sanchez and I were mid way home and I realized she was getting behind and I was getting ahead, I thought we have to do this together!! And I told her (or I tried to tell her the very best I could) that we are running and doing this together. Neither one behind neither one ahead. We are companions and a team in this work to be the very best missionaries we need and should be! And so I made sure I ran exactly by her and motivated her to keep going! And not only did we arive on time but a minute early! (We even took pictures to document the moment of our dedication to be EXACTLY OBEDIENT so enjoy our sweaty selves haha) I really felt connected and empowered with both of our desires to follow the Lord the very best we could! Even if it meant being sweaty and barely being able to breath. There are still a lot of things I can be better at but its great because we have room to grow and progress. 

The Lord is real and I am continually amazed by His love and daily guidance in my life right now as a missionary! All the standards all the commandments...everything is for our benefit and I promise that if we obey He will bless us with blessings we won't even be able to obtain! I am learning SO much! And I am so thankful to be here to be humbled and challnged and to really depend on the Lord in all I do! I love you all and feel your love everyday and hope you all feel mine! It is great to believe but we must live the gospel with actions of faith and with the desire to follow the commandments and be more like HIM! Have a wonderful week and know I am so thankful for this gospel and for our moms :) Hehe LOVE YOU MOM!!

love always
Hermana Guerrero