Hello my name is Hermana Guerrero and I am serving in the.....GUERRERO Mexico misión!!!
Hola family and friends!
I Cant believe I am here in Mexico! My this week has been intense! I dont even know where to begin...well first off Guerrero is about 2 hours away from pachuca and it is up in the mountains. like seriously it is super far up and everyone jokes about it being a mini salt lake because everryone here are members except theres a slight difference...for one everything is in spanish, nobody speaks english and two there are tons of inactive members or well, members who dont go to church. It is so hot here, its like california summer every single day. and the people have already commented on how dark ive gotten. i would send pictures but my camera is broken, the charger inside is not working...bummer! but i will work something out! we went to the city today to try to find and store to fix it but no luck. but know im seeing cool things and that i am okay.
my companera is hermana sanchez and you all guessed right...she doesn't speak any english! I thought it would be cool to have a native speaker but it is really really realllllyyyy hard. And i am not going to lie... it has lead to me to be very emotional at times haha...My prayers have never been so heartfelt and sincere and meaningful until now haha i thought my prayers were meaningful before...nope. I know i need the Lord and i know i need patience. Here in Guerrero everybody talks so fast! By the end of the conversation I probably understood 3 of the 500 words! haha IT HAS BEEN QUITE THE EXPERIENCE, AND EVEN THOUGH I AM STRUGGLING I KNOW I WONT AND CANT COME HOME. THE GOspel is way to important to me! Even then, it doesnt mean I wont struggle. My misión presdient and the other missionaries all said that the first three months are the hardest! i seriously have been taking it day by day. but i know the lord has a plan. now onto the things that are different here....
first off people have no shame in eating baby bug eggs! Yep! had them my first day here! wAS DYING INSIDE BUT WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO say? oh no thank you i don't want to eat your baby bug eggs that you love so much? and even if i did, i wouldn't know how because i cant speak spanish hahah! bu,t hey its all part of the experience. um everybody washes their clothes by hand i did it for the first time today and it was really really fun! except when the string connected to the cactus broke in half and all my clothes that were drying fell onto the dirt haha again part of the experience. and hmm in the church some people don't sing they kind of scream...but hey they are just really passionate :) i love it ahha. umm memebrs here also call me pocahontas or prima which means cousin because everyone here are guerreros and they call me lamanita haha. my comampanera is from uebla mexico and she is 20! super fluent she thought i would have a hard iome adjusting but i have been doing pretty good, the hardest thing for me is not being able to speak spanish. but yesterday 2 different members reminded me of that missionary in the movie the other side of heaven and said i will learn the language. So, since i Heard that twice i came to the conclusión that i am going to read the entire bookmof mormon in español. I had a quote to share but i will next monday because i forgot it. thanks for your love and prayers! ITS HARD BUT THERE IS NO GREATER WORK. LOVE YOU ALL!