Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Chicken Story

Hello Hello Hello!!!

Out serving the Lord

Life here in Mexico is pretty crazy!!! Theres always more and more work to be done and I don’t think I have ever gone to bed not feeling  tired! There are two wards in Guerrero and I am in Guerrero 1! I don’t know if I have told you this but almost everyone here is a Guerrero, everyone is family and everyone knows everyone. And because I am a Guerrero people assume that I am some expert in Spanish and let me tell you, everytime I introduce myself…a story is required of where I am from and who are my parents and grandparents. And even though I cant speak much Spanish they are all really nice…it is just that I wish I was fluent but I know it all comes with time

. A lot of the work this week was teaching inactive members just because everyone is a member but a lot of them don’t attend church. We have also taught a lot of lessons about eternal families and how it is important to be married. We have a lot of families where the Mom is either a member but the Father isn’t or the other way around. Lots and lots of teaching! Our ward had an activity on Friday where the ward was going to play games, eat, and dance, so we could get some inactive members to come and feel welcomed and comfortable with the members and it turned out great! The ward is trying really hard to get more people to come to church and I guess the fiesta didn’t end until 5!!! I wouldn’t know because we had to leave early but awhhh I so badly wanted to dance…hahah but it was okay I am here for the Lord! But yeah it turned out great and members here really know how to party and have a fun clean activity! So yeah that has been great and members have been really helpful and feed us each day for comida J

Doing Laundry

 Interesting story for you all….ready? Well this week I wintnessed a chicken getting sliced open so an investigator of ours could take it the food it eats each day and it was…..quite the experience…here we were walking by saying hello and they next thing I know I am in this room watching this chicken getting sliced open by its owner with a razor and then she starts pulling stuff out of its body…my I was thinking wow! Am I really watching this?! But is was fine because I originally thought she was going to chop its head off because I cant understand Spanish that well and she had an axe in the other room! And the best part is that we had comida right after…but the chicken is doing fine now…she sewed it back up and well I hope it gets better so we don’t have to keep helping her but if she needs it we are here for her!  Spanish is still extremely difficult to me but I am trying.  I get emotional a lot during my prayers because I really need Him and just because I have never struggled this much. But I love the Lord too much to stop and though I may feel like I am not making a huge difference, I know He wants me here and that I am at least converting myself more and more each day.

Studying the Gospel in Guerrero

 We have a working shower now and I am so thankful…I cant believe how blessed I was to have a washer and dryer and a shower constantly with heat and for….SO MUCH!! Its different but I love it because it is all apart of the experience of serving our Lord! I am learning to find strength in Him and though it's hard I know he doesn't give us things we cant handle….I am weak and struggling beyond belief but I know HE can and will help me. I love you all and thank you for your support and love…it keeps me going!

 Now here's a quote that continues to help me and helps me to keep going, “ You only get one chance to serve a mission; it is your responsibility, your duty, to use it to your fullest; to give every last ounce of energy until you collapse in exhaustion at the end of it all. All the hardships, all the tears, all the hard work will be looked back upon as the best thing you’ve ever done, not because you enjoyed it, not because you baptized everyone, but because you gave it everything you had, even when you didn’t think you could, and especially when you didn’t want to. Live your mission to your fullest, work harder than you have ever worked before. Let people know that this is the most impoirtant thing in the world to you. If you do not run until you have nothing left to give, and then keep going on anyway; cry and pray and work and sweat and plead until you are so drained that all you can do is turn to the Lord; if you don’t do this, then these people will not come to this joy because of you—their failure to come to Christ will be partially upon your head. Come ourt of your mission proud of what you have done, and this experience will bless the rest of your life” Jeffrey R Holland!  Helps me everytime!  I can wait for General Conferenece!  You all need to Watch it!  I love you all!  Have a great week!

Love, Hermana Guerrero

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